Q. When will the project start?
A. We started the project with roofing, paint and road work in late 2022. The clubhouse renovations began in October 2023.
Q. How long with the project take to complete?
A. The project is expected to take about three years to complete.
Q. Will any of the amenities need to be closed for the construction work?
A. Management is working to minimize any possible closures. The plan is to always have at least one pool and one gym open at all times. The Commons is currently closed un July 2024 and when it reopens, the Plaza Del Lago will close.
Q. Roadway Paving: Will roads be closed when paving work is done?
A. This project is completed. Heron Run Drive and Heron Bay Blvd North was repaved.
Q. Parking Lot Paving: Will the parking lots be closed during this work?
A. There may be a time when an entire parking lot may be closed for a short time period. We are working to make the project as efficient as possible to minimize any inconvenience for the residents. This project management aspect will need to be balanced to minimize closures and the cost to minimize closures.
Q. Renderings: How can I see the proposed renovations to the clubhouses?
A. There is a PRESENTATION link on the Presentation page of the elevateheronbay.com website where you can view the slide presentation. Click here to go directly to the page.
Q. How many tennis and pickleball courts will be added?
A. The plans currently include two clay tennis courts, one hard court and six new pickleball courts.
Q. Will there be dedicated card playing rooms?
A. The Osprey II ballroom will become the library/cardroom in the PDL. The plan for the upstairs of The Commons will have a multi-purpose room that may be used for card play. There will be a multi-purpose room created with more efficient use of the space currently used for the two locker rooms at the PDL. The conceptual renderings show a multi-purpose room on the floor plan due to the re-design of the PDL locker rooms. This floor plan is part of the Elevate Heron Bay presentation which can be viewed on this website.
Q. Is there a dog park planned as part of the Elevate Heron Bay project?
A. There is not a dog park planned. The ranking of importance in the 2021 community survey did not make the dog park an item in this project.
Q. How is the Association paying for this project?
A. The Association will be using $1,250,000 of working capital funds as approved by the homeowner vote at the May 9th Meeting of the Membership. The remainder of the project will be funded using a bank loan. The project is estimated to be no more than $9,000,000. The difference between the final cost of the project and the $1,250,000 of working capital would be borrowed from Valley Bank. The loan is at 4%. There is a 2-year line of credit followed by a 12-year term loan. The repayment of these funds will be included in the Association Operating Budget
Q. How do I get an update on the Project Budget vs Actuals?
A. The Project Budget vs Actuals are posted on the heron-bay.net website. They are updated each week as new expenditures are approved.
Q. What if I sell my home during this project? Will I be required to pay for the cost of the project?
A. No, this is not a Special Assessment, and homeowners that sell their property during the term of the project or repayment for funding of the project will NOT have an acceleration of the repayment.
Q. How much will the quarterly maintenance fees be increased to pay for the project?
A. The estimate is an increase of $23/month or $69 per quarter per home.
Q. Who is the Architect and Design Firm retained for this project?
A. The firm of Currie Sowards Aguila was selected by the Board at the June 9, 2022 meeting. They have been working on the project since 2022.
Q. Who will be the roofing contractor for the roof replacement portions of the project?
A. The Board selected RHI as the contractor for the roof replacements. Eagle Caspistrano in the Viera Blend was selected at the roof tile. The contract for Roofing may be found on the community website heron-bay.net under Documents & Forms in the Elevate Heron Bay section.
Q. Who will be the Water Park engineering firm working on the conceptual plans for the new Water Park?
A. The Board selected RDC to perform this work at their July 27, 2022 meeting. The Waterpark is being manufactured by Wizard Works and installed by Synergy Aquatech.
Q. Who will be the Tennis Amenity engineering firm working on the plans for the additions at the Tennis Amenity?
A. The Board selected Keith Engineering at their July 27, 2022 meeting. They are the firm that performed the work for the City of Parkland Tennis Center.
Q. Who will be the company performing the painting project work?
A. The Board selected Eagle Painting at their July 27, 2022 meeting. They have almost completed their scope, with only The Commons and some fencing to be painted.